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anatomy of a female spiderclick to hear

anatomy of a female spider fang poison gland cloaca eye stomach heart digestive glands anus spinneret silk glands oviduct vagina ovary seminal receptacle book lung intestine cecum brain coxal gland esophagus

fang click to hear

Curved part below the eyes and attached to the venom gland; it allows the spider to catch its prey to inject it with venom.

poison gland click to hear

Organ producing an acidic secretion made of venom; it is attached to the fang.

cloaca click to hear

Orifice common to the intestine and the genital and urinary tracts; it is located at the terminal end of the digestive tract.

eye click to hear

Organ of vision joined to the brain by a nerve; the spider usually has four pairs of simple eyes.

stomach click to hear

Dilated section of the digestive tract preceding the intestine; it receives food to be digested.

heart click to hear

Muscular organ helping blood to circulate.

digestive glands click to hear

Organs producing a secretion that contributes to digestion.

anus click to hear

Terminal orifice of the digestive tract enabling ejection of fecal matter.

spinneret click to hear

Appendage located near the anus, where the silk glands end; the spider generally has three pairs.

silk glands click to hear

Silk-secreting organs located in the abdomen and ending in the spinneret.

oviduct click to hear

Canal through which the eggs are expelled from the ovaries.

vagina click to hear

Female organ of copulation located on the ventral face of the abdomen.

ovary click to hear

Female genital gland producing the eggs.

seminal receptacle click to hear

Pouch where sperm is stored for fertilizing the eggs.

book lung click to hear

Respiratory organ that helps to oxygenate the blood; the respiratory system has one or two pairs, depending on the type of spider.

intestine click to hear

Section of the digestive tract between the stomach and the anus where nutrients are absorbed and waste is turned into fecal matter.

cecum click to hear

Lateral canal located in the anterior portion of the intestine where especially a part of digestion and fermentation take place.

brain click to hear

Main organ of the nervous system; it is located in the cephalothorax.

coxal gland click to hear

Organ appended to the hip and producing a secretion that contributes to excretion.

esophagus click to hear

Canal of the anterior portion of the digestive tract; it carries food to the stomach.