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socksclick to hear

Knitted garments that cover the foot and part of the leg.
socks ankle length executive length mid-calf length instep leg straight-up ribbed top toe sole heel

ankle length click to hear

Sock that covers the foot and extends slightly above the ankle.

executive length click to hear

Sock covering the foot and extending to the knee.

mid-calf length click to hear

Kind of sock ending at calf level.

instep click to hear

Part of the sock that covers the top of the foot.

leg click to hear

Part of the sock of varying length that extends above the foot.

straight-up ribbed top click to hear

Elasticized knitted strip that tightens, reinforces and adorns the sock opening.

toe click to hear

Usually reinforced part of the sock that covers the toes of the foot.

sole click to hear

Usually reinforced part of the sock that covers the sole of the foot.

heel click to hear

Usually reinforced part of the sock that covers the heel of the foot.