printed circuit board
Usually plastic insulated card with holes containing electronic components; the circuit is printed on its surface.
Electronic component that regulates the amount of current flowing in a circuit.
electrolytic capacitors 
Polarized components with two conductive components (aluminum, tantalum) separated by an insulator (electrolyte); they store strong electric charge.
ceramic capacitor 
Component with two conductive plates (silver, copper) separated by an insulator (ceramic); it stores weak electric charge.
plastic film capacitor 
Commonly used component with two conductive plates (aluminum, tin) separated by an insulator (plastic); it stores electric charge.
packaged integrated circuit 
Electric circuit under a plastic or ceramic casing; it has pins for connecting it to the circuit board.
printed circuit 
All of the conductive metal bands on an insulated base (card), which connect a circuit’s components and allow a current to flow through it.