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bowclick to hear

Weapon with a wooden or metal shaft that bends when the bowstring is stretched to fire arrows.
bow upper limb bowstring lower limb nock handle back arrow modern bow

upper limb click to hear

Limb: the flexible part that stores potential energy when the bow is bent.

bowstring click to hear

Fibers secured to the bow that are stretched to fire an arrow.

lower limb click to hear

Limb: the flexible part that stores potential energy when the bow is bent.

nock click to hear

Notch in the end of the limbs to take the bowstring knot.

handle click to hear

Part between the two limbs; it is used to grip the bow.

back click to hear

Part of the bow opposite the bowstring.

arrow click to hear

Projectile fired by a bow or a crossbow; it consists of a shank, a point and a heel with a notch and fletching.

modern bow click to hear

Bow with pulleys, which increase the power of the shot.