Site for refueling and repairing ships, loading and unloading cargo and embarking and disembarking passengers.
bulk terminal 
Area with installations and equipment to store, sort and handle bulk items, such as ore and coal.
customs house 
Structure where inspection and legal operations related to imported and exported cargo are carried out.
parking lot 
Area for parking vehicles.
office building 
Structure where personnel who administer the port work.
road transport 
Transportation of cargo by truck on public roads.
container terminal 
Area with installations and equipment to store, sort and handle containers.
Structure consisting of a girder and posts that rolls along tracks moving containers.
terminal railway 
Railroad tracks leading onto a wharf for transshipping containers from a ship to a car or vice versa.
oil terminal 
Area with installations and equipment to store petroleum products and load them into tankers.
Ship with large reservoirs for transporting liquid petroleum products.
Shuttle boat for carrying vehicles with their cargo and passengers.
passenger terminal 
Structures and facilities where passengers embark and disembark ships.
Tower with a powerful lamp at the top for guiding ships.
cold shed 
Insulated refrigerated structure for storing perishable foodstuffs.
container ship 
Ship that is designed for transporting cargo in containers in its hold and on its deck.
Slope leading from the wharf to the level of the water.
container-loading bridge 
Cantilevered gantry crane along the quay for loading and unloading containers.
Enclosed basin where ships take on and unload cargo.
floating crane 
Dock crane that is mounted on a floating movable platform and often used for carrying heavy cargo.
grain terminal 
Area with installations and equipment for storing, sorting and handling grain.
canal lock 
Structure with a lock-chamber that can be filled with water or emptied to raise or lower a ship from one water level to another.
dry dock 
Dock where water is pumped out so that a ship’s hull can be repaired, cleaned or painted.
dock crane 
Crane that rolls along rails the length of the wharf and uses a moving arm to load and unload cargo in forms such as container, bulk and break bulk.
Structure for docking ships so that passengers can embark and disembark and cargo can be loaded and unloaded.
transit shed 
Warehouse located near the wharf for temporarily storing cargo.
Waterproof device that closes a dock.
Very large, usually cylindrical, reservoirs for storing products in bulk, especially grain.