Small engineless aircraft that is launched by a tow plane and stays aloft on air currents.
Articulated flap at the rear of the vertical stabilizer that steers the aircraft and corrects any yaw that might occur.
vertical stabilizer 
Fixed vertical part of the tail assembly that keeps the aircraft stable.
Articulated flap that is attached to the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer; it is used to change altitude and correct any pitch that may occur.
horizontal stabilizer 
One of two wings acting as the glider’s horizontal fins; they are used to stabilize its horizontal movement.
Body of the glider to which the wings are attached; it is shaped to travel easily through the air.
trailing edge 
Back edge of the wing.
wing tip 
Tapered piece that forms the lateral end of the wing.
leading edge 
Front edge of the wing.
Leading tip of the fuselage.
cockpit canopy 
Glass surface covering the cockpit; it opens to provide access to the cockpit.
Jointed movable flap on the rear edge of the wing; it is used to maneuver the glider by adjusting wing lift.
air brake 
Movable aerodynamic flap that is located on the wing; it is usually used to slow the glider during landing.
Horizontal surfaces that are acted upon by aerodynamic forces to keep the glider aloft.
Rear part of the fuselage.