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swimming poolclick to hear

Pool in which a water polo game takes place; a game has four periods of seven minutes each divided by breaks of two minutes each.
swimming pool excluded players re-entry area 7 m line coach secretaries timekeepers goal judge goal line 2 m line 4 m line half-distance line referee team bench goalkeeper

excluded players re-entry area click to hear

Space where players who commit an exclusion foul serve a 20-second penalty.

7 m line click to hear

coach click to hear

The team’s leader; the coach plots strategy and decides who plays in different situations.

secretaries click to hear

Officials who write up the game’s report (such as goals scored, fouls and exclusions) and signal the return of temporarily excluded players.

timekeepers click to hear

Officials in charge of the game’s time, exclusions, continuous possession of the ball (maximum 35 seconds before taking a shot) and so on.

goal judge click to hear

Official whose main function is to decide on the validity of goals and to report balls gone behind the goal line (corners).

goal line click to hear

Line that the ball must pass to score a goal; the players line up along it before a period begins.

2 m line click to hear

4 m line click to hear

half-distance line click to hear

Mark dividing the pool into two zones, one per team; the teams change zones after two periods of play.

referee click to hear

Official who is in charge of enforcing the rules; this individual supervises the game and signals violations by blowing a whistle.

team bench click to hear

Space where substitute players and team officials sit; a team has 13 players but only seven are in the water at the same time.

goalkeeper click to hear

Player whose role is to prevent the ball from entering the goal; the goalkeeper wears a red cap.