speed skier
Athlete who practices speed skiing; high-level speed skiers reach speeds of more than 150 mph.
speed ski 
Heavy and very long ski (up to 8 ft) with a thick bottom; its edges are not very sharp to prevent them from catching at high speed and causing crashes.
Piece used to grip the pole; its streamlined shape ensures better air flow; the handle does not have a wrist strap.
Metal or composite fiber rod with a handle; the speed skier uses it for balance.
Piece of compressed foam that is slipped under the suit to improve air flow without causing air turbulence around the leg.
speed skiing suit 
Skintight one-piece garment made of plastic-coated synthetic fibers to ensure optimal aerodynamics.
Rigid piece of equipment that protects the head; it also improves aerodynamics with its streamlined shape fitted to the skier’s head.